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Bankhill Educare

25, Laxshapana Mw, Jayanthipura, Battaramulla
0777 278741

Bankhill Educare

Child Development Advisory
We are a leading advisory source on Early Childhood Development and childcare provision.

Highly Qualified Staff
Our staff are highly trained in handling every child in a distinct and understanding manner.

Child Friendly Atmosphere
We provide an informal setting so that your child feels right at home and eager to learn.

Extensive Facilities
The environment and material we provide children are unmatched by any other daycare and preschool.

No. 90/2, Parakum Mawatha,

Longdon Place
Contact : 0114 339023
Malalasekara Mawatha,
Colombo 00700

Email & Phone
Mobile No : 0777 278741

Business Hours
Monday – Friday
7.30 am – 6.00 pm
Weekend Closed


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